Frieren is a beautifully introspective manga that follows Frieren, an elf mage who, after defeating the Demon King with her companions, faces the passing of time in a way only an immortal can. As her human friends age and pass on, Frieren is left with a sense of loss and an unfulfilled longing to understand the bonds they shared. Setting out on a journey of remembrance with a new apprentice, she revisits past memories and places, seeking to grasp the meaning of life and friendship.
This is a fantasy tale that deeply explores themes of time, loss, and human connection, perfect for those who enjoy reflective, heartfelt stories.
I find absolutely everything about this anime exceptional! The music, the animation, the originality, the overall atmosphere and the book is absolutely well-drawn. Written by Kanehito Yamada and drawn by Tsukasa Abe.
Click here to watch the trailer for Frieren (If you want my opinion you should watch it !).
You can click on each head to find out more about the character.
35,000 years ago, in the Stone Age, two neighboring tribes lived in peace... give or take a hair. While the Clean Hair tribe lived out their days in peace, keeping the secret of the shampoo formula to themselves, the Dirty Hair tribe lamented.
Their chief decided to send a spy to steal the recipe. But a far more serious event was about to change the lives of the Clean Hair tribe: for the first time in human history, a crime had been committed. How could the perpetrator be found?
In the time of the mammoths, history's first police investigation begins.
RRRrrr!!! is a cult French comedy directed by Alain Chabat in 2004. The film is a staple of French comedy cinema, famous for its absurdist humor and unique style. Boasting an exceptional cast, it has marked generations with its memorable lines and wacky atmosphere. RRRrrr!!! is pure laughter and entertainment, appreciated for its originality and offbeat spirit.